After-School Drop-Off

Students ages 5 – 21 years old with intellectual and developmental disabilities can enjoy a fulfilling After School Program while their parents finish the workday. Students can attend Monday through Friday from the end of their school day to 6:00 pm.
Activities are planned each day; including arts & crafts, computer time, cooking, and games. Staff can also assist the students with a 3:1 student/staff ratio. One-to-one (1:1) staffing is available at $15.00 per hour for students requiring this level of assistance.
The program is based out of the Bankbridge Regional School on Bankbridge Road, in Sewell. Please note there is no transportation to and from the program provided. Families are also responsible for contacting their respective school districts to see if there are special busing arrangements needed.
Additional information:
For more information contact The Arc Gloucester’s administrative office by calling 856-848-8648 and requesting an application packet.
A registration packet will need to be completed for each student before enrollment is confirmed. There is also a $30.00 non-refundable registration fee due with the registration packet.
A late fee of $12.50 will be charged for every 30 minutes past 6:00 pm a student is picked up.